Wednesday, April 25, 2012

[Sharlotka] Basic Russian Apple Cake - Easy cake

I think I said this before, but let me repeat.

I love apples, raw, cooked, baked and uber-sweet.
I eat three apples a day. Mr.D thinks we should plant a few apple trees in our backyard as his wife is a serious apple killer/eater.
I try many different recipes that use apples. And majority of the recipes is dessert. It's not even surprising.
When I saw the recipe of
sharlotka at Smitten Kitchen,

it looked a lot like Italian apple cake or Torta di mele which I make quite often.

It looked so good that I decided to make it right a way, and made it. I made it three more times with very little time intervals. It is that good.

The best part of this cake is that it is so easy to make. I can't imagine how you could possibly fail the recipe. Sharlotka is a basic Russian apple cake.

I personally prefer eating sweet stuff before noon and try to avoid sweet things until the following a.m.
So I usually bake treats in the night and eat it for breakfast. Does this  make sense?
Well, anyway I like sweet breakfast. I love dutch baby~

This apple sharlotka became one of our favorite breakfast items fast.
Here goes the recipe:

Butter or nonstick spray, for greasing pan
6 large, tart apples, such as Granny Smiths
3 large eggs
1 cup (200 grams) granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup (125 grams) all-purpose flour
Ground cinnamon, to finish
Powdered sugar, also to finish

How to make

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Line the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan with parchment paper.

Butter the paper and the sides of the pan.

3. Peel, and core your apples, then chop them into medium-sized chunks.

4. Pile the cut apples directly in the prepared pan.

5. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, using an electric mixer or whisk, beat eggs with sugar until thick and ribbons form on the surface of the beaten eggs.

6. Beat in vanilla, then stir in flour with a spoon until just combined. The batter will be very thick.

7. Pour over apples in pan, using a spoon or spatula to spread the batter so that it covers all exposed apples.

8. Bake in preheated oven for 55 to 60 minutes, or until a tester comes out free of batter.

9. Cool in pan for 10 minutes on rack before flip out onto another rack. Peel off the parchment paper, and flip it back onto a serving platter.

11. Dust lightly with ground cinnamon.

12. Then, dust lightly with icing sugar.

Serve warm or cooled.

Don't  you think it's easy? If you are not wure, try it! You will love it.

Apple Sharlotka


  1. If I make this, my husband will think he dies and went to heaven. He LOVES apple cakes ANYTHING! This looks simply fabulous and easy.

    Thank you very much mi Amiga. I always appreciate that you don't mind sharing your recipes. You are The Bomb!!!

    Big virtual hugs to you,

    1. Good evening Virginia~
      oh if your wonderful husband likes apple cakes, he will love this one for sure~~
      I'm so glad that you find my recipe helpful in a way!
      It's almost Friday~ Yay.
      Have a nice evening!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, Colleen.
    It looks great and lovely. I love cakes and can't stop eating them :(
    So, I am afraid to start eating this cake. I will gain weight 2kg.
    However, I am going to try this recipe. It is really good :)

    Thank you for great recipes.
    I always get good things from your blog.
    I am not good at speaking and writing in English but a good reader :)

    1. Hi Lizzy,
      same here. I love cakes so much.
      I try to limit myself to two (relatively) small pieces.
      I'm glad you are a good reader! :)
      Thanks for your comment! Have a nice evening~

  4. Hi Colleen. That makes sense you bake at midnight.Then I can imagine that you may really like and welcome every morning. is that right? Quite good idea to start a day happily:) And this cake looks so great and moist. so was the taste similar with italian apple cake?:) Thanks for sharing good recipe.

    1. Hi matilda,
      As a morning person, I like morning whether or not a cake is waiting for me. :)
      Yes. Sharlotka and Torta di mele, italian wedding cake, have a very similar taste.
      Thanks for the comment~ Have a nice day.

  5. Making this today... just sent the hubby to buy apples. Love that the ingredients are not unusual. Thanks Colleen :)

    1. Megan,
      as I told you last time when you made hot cross buns, you have executive talent!
      Hope you like it. :D
      Have a nice evening~

  6. Try this with whole wheat flour and only 1/3 cup sugar...makes a perfect breakfast without any guilt at all! To make it even simpler, just spray oil in a large pie plate, and layer it (apples- egg mixture- etc.). Served right from the pie plate (may as well since it won't last past breakfast), it is quick and easy. My favorite breakfast.

  7. Hey Colleen, I moved to Managua, Nicaragua from Seoul for my job. What I found out here.. is that an apple costs a dollar when a (small) mango costs four cents!!! Of course.. the tropical weather! I guess I have to try this cake when I go back to Korea:p
